

Monday, March 12, 2012

Grandmothers Flower Garden

This is my Grandmothers flower garden quilt, she was born in 1888 at Fondulac, Wisconsin.  Don't really have a way to know when she made this lovely quilt, wish I knew more about how to date fabric.  I love how she "fussy cut" many of the blocks and her quilting is impeccable.    The green border diamonds are nickel and dime size, very tiny, can't imagine in what order she put this together.  The green is of a color we don't see today and has minimal fading for a quilt this old.  Grandmother taught my sisters and I how to embroidery, crochet, tat and sew on her treadle machine..the oldest sister can tat I on the other hand have all but forgotten everything I knew about it.  I am so happy to have this quilt in our home and so enjoy looking upon it's beauty and  always gives me warm memories of the kindest woman I ever knew.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thank you for popping by my blog. You might be interested in my mother's blog. She loves to work in the Baltimore Album style. Her link is on the left side of my blog. I love this quilt you have shared here. I have dozens and dozens of flower garden blocks my great grand mother and great aunt pieced. Their seam allowances are slightly different so it is not likely it can be connected with hexagons unless I decide to redo all the flowers. I have taken a few to applique and your post reminds me that I should post that project. Your blog is delightful. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic
