

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Exciting News!

We've got exciting news!  This August we'll be great grandparents. We are over the moon happy and the knitting needles are clicking.  Making all colors of hats, sweaters, booties, blankets and quilts.  This great grandma is full of Joy!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

February Days......

February always seems to be the longest of all the 12 months.  I guess because being shut up away from the cold tends to gripe me.  We traveled to our Colorado home earlier this week, usually give ourselves a day to acclimate to the thin air and so today off we go for a walkabout.  On the drive thru the mountains we saw so many deer looking for food, there is more than the usual amount of snow this year and they are hungry.  It is never surprising to see them around town eating whatever they can find in everyones yards.  I really do need to get my yardstick out and measure the snowfall in our yard, looks to be over two feet to me.  We truly never tire of the beauty, winter or summer, this is Gods country.  Happy Day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Surprisingly Delicious......

I am not a big fan of sweet potatoes, that being said this dish may change my mind.  Shredded sweet potatoes browned in a cast iron skillet with a little peanut oil, salt and pepper.  When almost done add your eggs, a little shredded cheese and magic happens!  Low calorie too.....one egg 70 calories and 1 cup of sweet potatoes= 114 calories.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Blueberry Fried Pies......

We gals get together every month or so, everyone brings snacks and we share our craft projects we are working on and talk...a lot.  My snack this month was fried blueberry pies.  I found a really great crust for these, one that holds up to all the sealing, filling and frying.  Mind you we don't eat stuff like this hardly ever but once in a while you gotta let loose...lol.  The crust recipe is easy as pie....pun intended...1 1/4 c. flour, 1 stick of butter, 1 t. salt and approx. 1/4 c. water.  I cut mine in circles, moisten edges with water, add a heaping t. of blueberry pie filling, add top crust and seal with a fork.  I also use a slightly smaller glass pressed down to add an extra seal to the edges.  This is an excellent flaky rich crust, I fry in peanut oil for great flavor.  Frost with a thin glaze frosting.   Oh so yummy!