

Monday, September 30, 2013

Hog Roast

Over the weekend we went to our youngest son and his girlfriends for a hog roast.  Wow, I never knew what a lot of work something like that entailed. I'll let the pictures tell the story. If you are wondering...it was delicious!  Everyone brought a side dish and OMGoodness what a lot of good food we had!  We had so much help from family and friends, fed around 100 people.
Digging the hole around 7 foot deep................
Laid the grating on concrete blocks..............then covered with metal and cornstalks and dirt to seal.
Prepping the hog with marinate and rub.  Stuffed with apples and garlic. Wrapped in foil, burlap and then chicken wire.
Getting the coals ready...hickory wood.
Lowering into the pit
De-boning the pork
Setting up the picnic.....

Our hosts, cute huh?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September closing out on us....fast!

Where did September go?  Seems impossible it is nearly October and you know Christmas is

closing in fast! We will relish these last few Sept. days and we are surely enjoying this cooler weather! Our youngest son is hosting a hog roast this coming weekend and the Grandkids will be there to help us enjoy it!  Roasting a hog in the ground is quite an endeavor, lots of prep work, digging a 4x4 foot deep hole in the ground and filling it with burning hickory wood, grating to lay the hog onto, wrapping the hog in burlap and chicken wire, metal sheeting to lay on top of the hog and covering all this with dirt to cook for 12 hours...whew!  Going to be a fun time, 75 to 100 guests and lots of good food for sure!  Pictures will be coming soon!  Posting a few of our Colorado pictures we took b4 heading back to Kansas.  Wonderful Wednesday...Blessings!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September days.....

September days in Colorado...such special times knowing winter will be knocking on our door all too soon.  Fishing, hiking and being one with hubby and nature here in the glorious high country. When we are at the farm it's all about working on our projects every day...which is good...we both love keeping busy.  When we spend time at our home in Colorado it is a different story for sure. Colorado is all about relaxing and enjoying everything we both love about nature and being together every day with like goals of seeing who can catch the first, biggest and best trout!  HA!  We not only love catching trout but love eating them too.  Hubby filets the trout so there are no bones and we bread the filets in flour, egg, and panko bread crumbs seasoned with rosemary, garlic and seasoned salt...oh my they are tasty!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Nell Hill's store

We went to KC for the weekend to visit Granddaughter and her hubby.  They took us to Nell Hill's.  Have you been?  OMGoodness what a wonderful home goods store.  Nell has a store in KC, Mo. and also one in Atchinson, Kansas.  You can also catch her on Facebook and her blog (there's a link to her blog on her FB page). 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tomatoes and then some.....

When we planned our tomato plants in the spring we planted 52, thinking, well probably only half will survive with the drought we had been having.  An overabundance of grasshoppers this year I wondered if any of the plants would make it. Well be careful what you wish for, they all survived and are over 6 feet tall!  This is what we picked this-morning, my oh my.  Mr. Outdoors helped me pick and we delivered about 3/4 of them the to Lords Diner, our local charity that feeds over a thousand folks a day.  They were so grateful to get the tomatoes and we were Blessed to be able to give them.  Thankful Tuesday.