

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Quilts from the past

Some of my quilts from the past.....most I give away to family but a few I keep for us.  The double wedding ring and the K-State quilt went to Granddaughter Hannah.  The gold one and the last one still need to be quilted....they are on the to-do list.  Thankful Thursday.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Orange Marmalade

Getting ready to make my second batch of orange marmalade, using The Barefoot Contessa's recipe.   Such a simple mixture and fills the house with wonderful smells!  Simply 4 oranges, two lemons, sugar and water...that's it!  Bring to a boil, cover and let sit overnight then bring to a boil again, cook to 220degrees on your candy thermometer. Put into sterilized jars and that is it....how delicious and simple. 


Fall has arrived in Colorado and Kansas can't be far behind.  I love fall so much, especially after having such a long hot summer.  The windows are open and cool morning breezes are wafting in, smells of crisp air and a new season approaching, coffee brewing in my kitchen...snuggly cozy.  Dreaming of stews and pots of homemade soup and scones baking, fill my head.  My sister=in=law has a maple pecan recipe for scones we love...such simple flavors but oh so good!  I think toasting the pecans before adding to the batter is the secret...I can smell them now!  We are having 4 days of much needed rain so filling our hours with inside work is in the forecast...crochet, reading, baking, quilting and cleaning are in my future.  My older sister and grandson have Birthdays next week and a dinner is planned for both of them.  I will be making tamales and everything that goes with them for that dinner, especially jalapeƱos stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in bacon, one of our families favorites.  The Birthday cake I have in mind is an idea I saw on Pinterest.  bake 2 bunt cakes (mine will be carrot cake), set them on top of each other and they become pumpkin shape!  Frost ( orange) and put a stem in the top.....and there's your pumpkin.   Warm and wonderful Wednesday!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tea time

Now that fall is rapidly approaching tea is a daily occurrence for Mr. Outdoors and I..don't get me wrong I still love my morning cup of coffee but tea is good anytime of the day..eh?  This sweet picture courtesy of Pinterest...I just love Pinterest and spend a little part of each day scouring the DIY's, patterns, recipes, decorating, fashion, tutorials, ect. Thankful Thursday!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September in the Colorado Rockies

Mr.Outdoors and I have been camping in the Rockies.  Such a beautiful time of year , the aspens and cottonwoods are turning so beautifully.  Catching lots of trout in warm sunny days and cold nights spent snuggled in our sleeping bags...so cozy...I love it!  Morning coffee gathered around a roaring campfire...the coffee just doesn't get any better than that.  Lots of animal friends visiting our camp and the waterfalls are endless.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bicycling in style.

Isn't this bicycle seat cute!  I am thinking it would make for a sweet ride!  You could even add some padding underneath to ease the ride...LOL  Or maybe a quilted one would be better.

Vintage hankie holder

I am loving this precious hankies holder I found on Pinterest.  I have a lot of my Grandmothers hankies and love this way of displaying them.  Hankies are a thing of the past I am afraid but sometimes I still carry one of hers in my bra where she always carried hers.  Makes me think of her and I can still smell the lovely freshness of her Ivory soap.  So many of the old ways are gone but it is so soothing to remember Grandma and her gentle ways.  Sometimes when I am standing at my sink..maybe canning or doing dishes I feel as if I have become my Grandmother for I do so many things exactly the way she did them.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sweet little pin cushion

I am loving this sweet pin cushion I found on Pinterest.  The ombre colors seem to be everywhere, have you noticed?  I am crocheting ombre colored purses for my sisters for Christmas.  They will be filled with roasted nuts, fudge and lots of Christmas cookies...oh and their favorite teas and some of my orange marmalade.  I think they even have hair color in ombre..a mixture of blonde, auburn and browns.  Anyway I am loving the ombre mixtures of different colors and look forward to playing around with this pin cushion in various colors....sublime Sunday!